Everyone who knows me well knows how much I love the Tomb Raider games. No, not because of Lara's assets. Its because I love archeology, mythology and brain-twisting puzzle solving. Nothing could be better than combining all three. No, wait, that's not quite true. Nothing could be better than combining norse archeology, norse mythology and brain-twisting puzzle solving. Wait, that's still not quite true. Nothing could be better than combining all three in a search for Thor's hammer. Yes, Tomb Raider: Underworld could quite possibly the worlds first game made entirely just for me.
Unfortunately I will have to steal a friend's computer to play it. But that's ok, I did that for Legend.
Oh, and if you want to know more about the game go to CBR. The gameplay is apprently a marked improvment over Legend and Anniversary (both of which had awesome gameplay). I especially like the ability you are given to decide whether you want a more combat orientated game, or a more puzzle-orientated game. Cause while I'm good at puzzles, I'm useless at combat. I won't feeel guilty about adjusting the game so enemies have extremely low health, allowing Lara to mow through them with her dual pistols. It's Lara Croft. She can do anything.
11 years ago
I myself like the franchise, never liked the movies, but haven't been big on the games much. Lara is a cool character and I like seeing her every now and then. It's nice that she's not as overused as so many other video game characters.